Learn how to build and run the Hygieia UI layer

Docker Stars Docker Stars

The UI Layer represents Hygieia’s front-end and contains GUI elements for users to view and configure the DevOps tools on the dashboard.

The Hygieia dashboard requires installation of:

  • NodeJS
  • npm
  • gulp
  • bower

Mac OS X Installation

If you do not already have NodeJS installed, download and install the NodeJS MSI package available at: https://nodejs.org/en/download/.

  • Step 1: Install Homebrew

    Homebrew handles downloading, unpacking and installing npm on your system. To install Homebrew, open terminal and execute the following command:

    ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Follow the messages in the terminal to complete the installation process.
  • Step 2: Install npm

    To install npm using Homebrew, execute the following command:

    brew install node
  • Step 3: Install Global Packages

    Execute the following commands to install packages to the global node_modules directory:

    npm install -g bower
    npm install -g gulp

    Install dependencies configured with bower and npm:

    # Install dependencies listed in package.json
    npm install
    # Install dependencies listed in bower.json
    bower install
  • Step 4: Run the UI

    In the terminal, navigate to the /Hygieia/UI and execute the following command:

    gulp serve

    The dashboard will serve up on port 3000.

Windows Installation

If you do not already have NodeJS installed, download and install the NodeJS MSI package available at: https://nodejs.org/en/download/.

  • Step 1: Install npm

    Execute the following commands using command line to install bower and gulp globally:

    npm install -g bower
    npm install -g gulp

    From your project’s root directory, use Git Shell to install bower using the following command:

    # Install dependencies listed in bower.json
    npm install
    # Install dependencies listed in bower.json
    bower install
  • Step 2: Run the UI

    To run the dashboard, in the command prompt, navigate to \Hygieia\UI, and then execute the following command:

    gulp serve

    The dashboard will serve up on port 3000.

    To execute using browser-sync’s ghostMode functionality:

    gulp serve:ghost-mode

    To run using Maven, navigate to \Hygieia\UI, and then execute the following command:

    mvn clean package integration-test

Note: To test Hygieia’s UI layer locally using mock test data, execute the following command:

gulp serve --local true

API is not required since data currently comes from the test-data directory.

Docker Image for UI Layer

To configure the Hygieia UI layer, execute the following steps:

  • Step 1: Run Maven Build

    To package the API source code into an executable JAR file, run the maven build from the \Hygieia directory of your source code installation:

    mvn clean package -pl UI docker:build
  • Step 2: Run the UI

    To run the UI from Docker, execute the following command from the command prompt:

    docker run -t -p 8088:80 --link hygieia-api -i hygieia-ui:latest

Dashboard Layouts

Select a layout for your dashboard. Layouts for the dashboard are available at src\components\templates. You can choose a custom template or customize your dashboard layout by selecting widgets while creating your dashboard. The available custom templates are:

  • Cap One
  • Cap One ChatOps
  • Cloud Dashboard
  • Split View

API Check

Once the UI is successfully connected, the following screenshots show the API connection status:

Login page with API layer successfully connected


API layer connection unsuccessful


Signup page to create admin user


Encryption for Private Repos

  1. From the core module, generate a secret key.
java -jar <path-to-jar>/core-2.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar com.capitalone.dashboard.util.Encryption
  1. Add the generated key to the API properties file.
  1. Add the same key to your repo settings file. This is required for the target collector to decrypt your saved repo password.

For example, if your repo is GitHub, add the following to the github.properties file:
