Jenkins Plugin for Hygieia

Hygieia-Jenkins Plugin

Hygieia collectors are classified into the following types for data collection:

  • Pull-based Collectors - These collectors pull all information from the DevOps tools.
  • Push-based Collectors - These collectors collect a subset of data from the DevOps tools.

The Hygieia-Jenkins plugin is a push-based collector that supports the Jenkins pipeline code for continuous integration and delivery. You can use the Hygieia-Jenkins plugin to publish data from Jenkins to the Hygieia dashboard. You can publish build and artifact information, sonar test results, deployment results, and Cucumber test results. Therefore, you need not run the corresponding collectors if you use Jenkins for build, deploy, sonar analysis, and Cucumber tests.

The Hygieia-Jenkins plugin requires installation of:

  • Maven (recommended version 3.3.9 and above)
  • JDK (recommended version 1.8)

To configure the Hygieia-Jenkins Plugin, execute the following steps:

  • Step 1: Run Unit Test Cases

    From your project’s root directory, run the unit test cases to check Hygieia code:

    mvn test
  • Step 2: Create HPI File

    Create an HPI file to install in Jenkins. The HPI file is stored at \Hygieia\hygieia-jenkins-plugin\target\hygieia-publisher.hpi. To build the Hygieia-Jenkins Plugin, execute the following command:

    mvn clean package

    The output file hygieia-publisher.jar is generated in the \hygieia-jenkins-plugin\target folder.

Note: The main project is compiled using JDK v1.8. If you are running Jenkins on Java versions prior to Java v1.8, recompile Hygieia’s core package with the prior version, and then build the Jenkins plugin.

Jenkins 2.0 with Pipeline

To install the plugin in Jenkins:

  1. In the Jenkins toolbar, navigate to Manage Plugins > Advanced Tab.
  2. In the ‘Upload Plugin’ section, click ‘Choose File’, navigate to the \hygieia-jenkins-plugin\target folder, and then select the hygieia-publisher.hpi file. Click Upload.

    Once the plugin is installed, you can view the plugin listed in the ‘Installed’ tab.

  3. Restart Jenkins.

  4. Configure Global Hygieia Publisher in Jenkins.

    In the Jenkins toolbar, navigate to Manage Jenkins > Configure System. In the Jenkins URL, Enter the Hygieia API URL, http://localhost:8080/api.

  5. In Jenkins pipeline syntax page, Hygieia publish steps are displayed:


  1. Select a step (for example, Hygieia Deploy Step), fill in the required information and click ‘Generate Pipeline Script’. Copy the generated script to the pipeline script:


  1. The following screenshot shows a simple pipeline script with Maven build, Hygieia artifact, and deploy publishing.


Jenkins (Versions Prior to 2.0)

  1. In the Jenkins toolbar, navigate to Manage Plugins > Advanced Tab.
  2. In the ‘Upload Plugin’ section, click ‘Choose File’, navigate to the \hygieia-jenkins-plugin\target folder, and then select the hygieia-publisher.hpi file. Click Upload.

    Once the plugin is installed, you can view the plugin listed in the ‘Installed’ tab.

  3. Restart Jenkins.
  4. Configure Global Hygieia Publisher in Jenkins.

    In the Jenkins toolbar, navigate to Manage Jenkins > Configure System. In the Jenkins URL, Enter the Hygieia API URL, http://localhost:8080/api.


  1. For a build job, add the Post build action ‘Hygieia Publisher’.
  2. Select the data to be sent to Hygieia. Currently, ‘Build’, ‘Artifact Info’, ‘Sonar Analysis’, ‘Deployment’, and ‘Cucumber Test Results’ can be published.


Troubleshooting Instructions

The build fails due to the following maven error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project hygieia-publisher: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.jenkins-ci.plugins:hygieia-publisher:hpi:1.3-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact in anonymous ( > [Help 1][ERROR]

In this case, before you build the Hygieia-Jenkins Plugin, clone Hygieia root, change directory to \Hygieia\core, and then execute the following command:

mvn clean install

GitHub Webhook

You can use GitHub webhooks to publish commit information to the Feature widget in the Hygieia dashboard. If you use webhooks, you need not run the GitHub collector.

  • Your Github webhook’s payload URL should be set to: http://hygieia-base-url/api/commit/github/v3.

  • Select the option of publishing just the ‘push’ events.