Hygieia Misc Collectors / Chat Ops

The ChatOpsCollector works a little differently than other collectors as you only have to run it once for widget to register. We are working to make a robust admin module which will provide the same functionality to register as well as enable/disable a widget without having to write and run collector like this one. Stay tuned.

I have tested this with Enterprise Hipchat version, It is not tested against public HipChat, but it should work.

Supported Chat Application

  • HipChat
  • Slack.com (Not implemented yet, looking for community to contribute)
  • Gitter.im (Not implemented yet, looking for community to contribute)

Screenshot of the widget



ChatOps Configure Screen


ChatOps widget configuration parameter

  • Need to provide hipchat server name.
  • Chat Room Name
  • API token (Only v2 style tokens are supported at this time)
    • For more info click here

ChatOps Collector properties file

# Database Name

# Database HostName - default is localhost

# Database Port - default is 27017

# MongoDB replicaset
dbreplicaset=[false if you are not using MongoDB replicaset]

# Database Username - default is blank

# Database Password - default is blank

# Logging File location

chatops.cron=5 * * * * *

Make sure the configuration file chatops.properties is in the same folder where the collector jar is before starting.

How to start the collector

java -jar <chatopscollector.jar> --spring.config.name=chatops

If your properties file is in different location than your start command would look like:

java -jar <chatopscollector.jar> \
  --spring.config.name=chatops \
  --spring.config.location=path to external properties file