Configure the Bitbucket Collector to display and monitor information (related to code contribution activites) on the Hygieia Dashboard, from the Bitbucket repository. Collect source code details from Bitbucket based on the repository URL and Branch for which you are configuring the collector. Bitbucket Collector provides implementations for both Bitbucket Cloud (formerly known as Bitbucket) and Bitbucket Server (formerly known as Stash).

Hygieia uses Spring Boot to package the collector as an executable JAR file with dependencies.

Setup Instructions

To configure the Bitbucket Collector, execute the following steps:

  • Step 1: Change Directory

Change the current working directory to the bitbucket directory of your Hygieia source code installation.

For example, in the Windows command prompt, run the following command:

cd C:\Users\[username]\hygieia\collectors\scm\bitbucket
  • Step 2: Run Maven Build

Run the maven build to package the collector into an executable JAR file:

 mvn install

The output file bitbucket-collector.jar is generated in the bitbucket\target folder.

  • Step 3: Set Parameters in Application Properties File

Set the configurable parameters in the file to connect to the Dashboard MongoDB database instance, including properties required by the Bitbucket Collector.

To configure parameters for the Bitbucket Collector, refer to the sample file.

For information about sourcing the application properties file, refer to the Spring Boot Documentation.

  • Step 4: Deploy the Executable File

To deploy the bitbucket-collector.jar file, change directory to bitbucket\target, and then execute the following from the command prompt:

java -jar bitbucket-collector.jar 

If the file is not in the same location as the JAR file, then execute the following command:

java -jar bitbucket-collector.jar --spring.config.location=[path to file]

Sample Application Properties File

The sample file lists parameters with sample values to configure the Bitbucket Collector. Set the parameters based on your environment setup.

		# Database Name

		# Database HostName - default is localhost

		# Database Port - default is 27017

		# MongoDB replicaset
		dbreplicaset=[false if you are not using MongoDB replicaset]

		# Database Username - default is blank

		# Database Password - default is blank

		# Logging File location

		# Collector schedule (required)
		git.cron=0 0/5 * * * *

		# Mandatory parameters

		# Maximum number of days to go back in time when fetching commits

		# Page size for rest calls
		#   Only applicable to Bitbucket Server.
		#   Only applicable to Bitbucket Cloud.

		# Bitbucket product
		#   Set to 'cloud' to use Bitbucket Cloud (formerly known as Bitbucket)
		#   Set to 'server' to use Bitbucket Server (formerly known as Stash)
		#   More information can be found here:
		# Bitbucket key for private repos
		# For information on generating your bitbucket key, refer to:
		[Encryption of Private Repos](#markdown-header-encryption-for-private-repos)