The product view displays each configured product’s progression from code commit to deployment. To configure the Product Dashboard:

  1. Create a new dashboard. For steps, see Create a New Dashboard.
  2. In the product dashboard screen, click ‘Add a Team’. Enter the following details in the ‘Add team’ popup window:
    • Select a team dashboard from the drop-down list. The list displays all team dashboards created in Hygieia.
    • Optionally, specify a custom team name, and then click ‘Add this team’.

Note: Configure the Build and Code Repository before adding the team to the Product Dashboard.


The product dashboard displays averages and trends calculated over a 90-day period. For details more details on the calculations displayed on the Product Dashboard, see the following screenshots:

Commit Stage:


Build Stage:


Commit Details at every stage:


Deployment Stage:


Production Stage:


Pipeline Health Details:
